Saint Omer(12A)
17th Oct 2023Alice Diop - 2022 122 mins
Language Fr/Wolof/It
Rama is a pregnant young novelist who attends the trial of Laurence Coly, a young Senegalese woman accused of murdering her 15 month old daugher. Testimonies from witnesses and Coly's own words soon shake Rama's convictions.
Score: 79.41%
Some members' comments:
7 A's: Excellent, deeply moving*** Loved it, fascinating compassionate.Fab Nina Simone.*** Lots to think about- especially writing your own ending.*** Enigmatic ending and unresolved plot didn’t detract from this tightly directed and beautifully filmed work.*** Fantastic performances from leading actors and minor parts.*** An insight beyond expectation of the difference that joins us.*** Beautifully filmed, but not sure of the theory.*** *****6 B's: Could be the director’s documentary roots. Moving and well acted.*** Emotional journey, difficult to “enjoy” but sensitively handled subject not often discussed.*** Engaging and thought provoking- good for group discussion - especially the ending.*** *****4 C's: Interesting character and emotionally intense.*** Intriguing and admirable but I can’t say I really enjoyed it.*** A depressingly slow film with a v. sad and hard to comprehend premise and storyline.***